May 02, 2023

[Precision Ag | Part 1] What Is Precision AG Technology and How Can Farmers Benefit from It?

Precision agriculture (PA) is a modern farming method that relies on finding and measuring crop variability within fields. It is a unique way that allows farmers to respond to these variables and apply the right amount of water, fertilizer, and pesticides to each plant.

Precision agriculture is sometimes referred to as precision farming, satellite agriculture, as-needed farming, or site-specific crop management (SSCM). This technology has changed the way farmers work by helping them lower costs, increase yields, protect the environment, manage farms better, enhance machine performance, and more.

How Does Precision Agriculture Work?

Precision agriculture works by using a combination of technology and data analysis to optimize farming practices. This includes the collection of various types of data, including soil samples, terrain, weather conditions, and crop health, followed by the identification of patterns that help in making informed decisions about planting, fertilizing, and harvesting.

To put these decisions into action, a number of special components are used to help guide tractors and other farm equipment. Some of the key components are:



The receiver is a critical component of PA technology, as it receives signals from GPS and other satellites. The receiver provides real-time information about the location and movement of machinery, which helps farmers optimize field operations.


The display is the interface through which farmers can interact with the technology. It provides real-time information about the location of machinery, crop health, and other vital data. The display allows farmers to adjust settings and make informed decisions based on the data provided.

Guidance Solutions (Machine and Implement):

Guidance solutions help farmers maintain consistent paths across the field. This ensures that the machinery applies inputs such as fertilizer and pesticides accurately, reducing the amount of wasted input and the risk of overapplication. Implementation guidance systems provide accurate and precise control over the application of inputs, ensuring that crops receive the correct amount of nutrients.

What Are the Benefits of Precision Agriculture?

  • Increased efficiency due to automation and repeatability
    PA technology uses automation and repeatability to ensure that every production process is optimized for maximum efficiency. This includes precise seed placement, consistent spraying, and accurate irrigation. The use of autonomous machinery also reduces labor costs, increases accuracy, and reduces human error.
  • Lowered costs due to precise seed placement and a lack of manual errors
    Precision technology reduces the costs of inputs such as seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides. By applying these inputs precisely, farmers can reduce the amount needed, which saves money and reduces environmental impact. Additionally, precision technology reduces fuel costs by optimizing machinery movements and reducing the number of passes required.
  • Improvement of every production process translates to higher yields
    PA technology provides farmers with real-time data on crop health, soil moisture, and weather patterns. This data helps farmers make informed decisions about when to plant, irrigate, fertilize, and harvest. With this knowledge, farmers can improve crop yield and quality, resulting in higher profits.

In Conclusion

Precision agriculture technology offers numerous benefits to farmers. By using a combination of data analysis, technology, and special components, farmers can optimize every production process, reduce costs, increase efficiency, protect the environment, and enhance machine performance. With real-time data on crop health, soil moisture, and weather patterns, farmers can make informed decisions that result in higher yields and profits. Overall, precision agriculture technology has revolutionized the farming industry and is an essential tool for modern-day farmers.

* For more information about John Deere’s precision ag products, you can contact your local John Deere dealers or leave your inquiry through our Contact us form.