June 23, 2023

John Deere SPFH 8600i Awarded the DLG-Approved Quality Mark on Functionality and Quality of Work in Silage Maize

John Deere’s Self-Propelled Forage Harvester 8600i (model year 2023) has received the functionality and quality of work certification in silage maize from the German Agricultural Society, DLG, during the past 2022 harvest season.

Founded in 1885, the DLG (Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft: German Agricultural Society) is an expert organization in the fields of agriculture, agribusiness, and food sector. Developed by an independent and impartial commission to simulate the in-field applications of the products, DLG’s test methods, test profiles, and quality seals hold a leading position in testing and certifying equipment for agricultural industry and are highly acclaimed around the world.

Test Method

The John Deere 8600i forage harvester (specifications listed in below table) was put to a comprehensive field test. The field tests consist of running the machine on at least two sites yielding crops in at least two different dry matter bands (27% - 32% DM and 37% - 43% DM). The stands selected had to be as homogeneous as possible. Here, the machine is run at typical forward speeds in three different test versions, i.e., at three different yet typical chopping lengths (4 mm, 7 mm, 12 mm).The base settings on the forager are made on the site and to prevailing conditions. The tests focus on the overall machine efficiency. This is determined by measuring its throughput (t/h) and specific fuel consumption (l/t). In addition, samples are taken from the chopped material to describe the technical quality of chop.

[Table 1: Specifications of the tested forager John Deere 8600i]

Summary of Test Results

The 8600 i forage harvester (model year 2023) in the tested specification achieved throughputs of up to 239 tonnes of fresh mass per hour (at a nominal 12 mm LOC) and 214 tonnes at a nominal LOC of 4 mm, demonstrating that it was able to deliver its potential in the prevailing test conditions. At the same time, the specific fuel consumption (litres per tonne) per harvested fresh mass was between 0.47 l/t (12 mm) and 0.55 l/t (4 mm). This is a low rate and applies to all settings.

*Note: The test was carried out in northern Germany in September 2022, based on a certain dry matter range tested by the integral NIR sensor. 

[Table 2: Throughput and Fuel Economy]

The test shows that changing the chop length has a clear effect on the particle size distribution so that the percentage distribution changes just as desired. Regardless of dry matter content levels, overlengths (> 33 mm and > 19 mm) accounted for only a small portion. The < 3 mmfraction (fine particles) accounted for a relatively high percentage weight – in both stands of different dry matter contents. In the two DM stands, the percentage of the smallest < 1.18 mm particles never exceeded 3%, which is the ceiling set by the German GfE society for feed physiology.

Based on these good test results, the John Deere 8600i forage harvester is awarded the DLG APPROVED quality mark on the individual test criterium “Functionality and quality of work in silage maize”.

* To view the full report from DLG on John Deere 8600i forage harvester, click here.

** For more information about John Deere’s SPFH 8600i or any other products, you can contact your local John Deere dealers or leave your inquiry through our Contact us form.